Psalms Series

Psalms Series (6 of 6) by

Giving Thanks
David Flowers

Sermon Series:  By Streams of Living Water
Sermon Title:  Giving Thanks (6 of 6)
Scripture Reading:  Psalm 107:1-9; Psalm 118:15-24; Acts 4:11-12; Romans 5:1-5

In this series we’ve been invited to expand our communion with God through honest prayer that expresses the full range of human emotions. There is nothing we can’t say to God, nor is there a way we can’t say it.

While the psalmists understood they could cry out and vent to God, they also knew the importance of thanksgiving for those who want a healthy body and soul. Being thankful is about remembering what God has done, but it also involves being hopeful about the future. Hope keeps us going. Because of Christ, we have a living hope that allows us to be thankful and know the peace that God gives.

In the final message of the series, pastor David will encourage us to be thankful for all that God has done, is doing, and will do in our lives.

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Psalms Series (5 of 6) by

Rains of Justice
David Flowers

Sermon Series:  By Streams of Living Water
Sermon Title:  Rains of Justice
Scripture Reading:  Psalm 72:1-2, 6-7; Psalm 73:1-8, 12, 16-17; Romans 12:9-21

Though one of the strongest biblical images of God is of a just Judge, the people of God have not always made justice a priority. Yet God deeply desires justice, and we should want to see justice done as well (Micah 6:8, Amos 5:24).

Because the psalmists believed God was just, they cried out to God for justice to fall like rain upon the earth. They asked God to help their leaders to do what is right and to protect them from their enemies, even to avenge the righteous for the evil done to them.

As we reflect on the justice psalms, and express our honest feelings with the psalmists, we ultimately look to Jesus to see what Judge, judgment, and justice really looks like. We trust Christ and his way of bringing justice to the world. In Rains of Justice (5 of 6), pastor David encourages us to cry out to God in the way of the Psalms for the justice of the Kingdom.

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Psalms Series (4 of 6) by

Tears of Lament
David Flowers

Sermon Series:  By Streams of Living Water
Sermon Title:  Tears of Lament
Scripture Reading:  Psalm 102:1-13; Lamentations 3:22-26; Matthew 5:4

Psalms of lament provide a pattern of prayer for desperate times. We do not hide our misery from God or from the church; we do not pretend that all is well. Instead, we name our grief, acknowledge our misery, and shed bitter tears.

The prayer of lament is cathartic. Naming our woes and crying out to God opens a pathway to new awareness of God’s presence. This is especially true when we lament together in the community of faith, writing or singing our own songs of lament. God’s healing grace becomes palpable, and we find strength to continue to be faithful in the midst of struggle.

In the following message, pastor David encourages us to connect with God by expressing our songs of lament, and by hearing the songs of others.

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Psalms Series (3 of 6) by

Clean Hearts
David Flowers

Sermon Series:  By Streams of Living Water
Sermon Title:  Clean Hearts
Scripture Reading:  Psalm 51; Luke 15:18-24; James 5:16

King David sinned against God when he committed adultery with Bathsheba (2 Sam 11). In Psalm 51, we read about David’s brokenness and his confession, as well as his desire to repent of his sin for his sake and for others.

This psalm of David reveals that he understands the power and purpose of confession: truth-telling can bring healing and restoration! In order to receive God’s forgiveness and healing, we must be honest about what we’ve done if God is to give us a clean heart and a renewed spirit.

In the following message, pastor David will help us to see the need for continual confession of past and present sins, and how the Spirit transforms us and others in the process. Let us reflect on how confession is good for both personal and corporate growth within the Body of Christ.

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Psalms Series (2 of 6) by

Duty & Delight
David Flowers

Sermon Series:  By Streams of Living Water
Sermon Title:  Duty & Delight (2 of 6)
Scripture Reading:  Psalm 30:1-3,8-12; 40:1-3; 52:8-9

In the words of the Westminster Catechism, praise is “our duty and delight” in life. The Psalms are filled with praise and worship, and we are encouraged to praise God, not only with our lips, but also with our lives. We are grateful in our praise, but we can only praise out of our real experiences with God. The Psalms call us to taste and see that the Lord is good.

In the following message, pastor David will focus our attention on how passionate praise ought to be a natural response to God’s saving work in our lives. We will be challenged to reflect on God’s work in us, past and present. If God is enthroned on our praises (Ps.22:3), how high is he being exalted in our lives and through our church? Does our praise reflect his true glory?

Listen to David and view the slides here.

Psalms Series (1 of 6) by

Soul Thirst
David Flowers

Sermon Series:  By Streams of Living Water -- A Six-Part Worship Series on the Psalms
Sermon Title:  Soul Thirst (1 of 6)
Scripture Reading:  Psalm 1:1-6; 42:1-5; 63:1-4; Matthew 5:6; John 4:13-14

For the most profound and enduring prayers of all time, both Christians and Jews look to the Psalms. These timeless writings become our words when we have none. With vivid word pictures that capture our imagination, and in the beautiful artistry of the language, we discover that the Psalms are empowering for faith as we sing and pray them in devotion to God. Join us as pastor David leads us in this six-week soulful journey through the book of Psalms.

  1. Soul Thirst
  2. Duty & Delight
  3. Clean Hearts
  4. Tears of Lament
  5. Rains of Justice
  6. Giving Thanks

The book of Psalms may be a collection of ancient prayers and hymns, but it is incredibly relevant for the church today. First and foremost, the Psalms express the human longing for God and the confidence born from our experience of him. Like a tree planted by streams of living water, so is the person that delights in the Lord and finds their life in him.

Listen as pastor David talks about the purpose of the Psalms, and how Jesus saw himself as the water for which our souls truly thirst. View the slides here and listen to the song at the end.